Thursday 26 April 2018

Natural Treatment for Actinic Keratosis a Skin Condition

Actinic keratosis begins as a region of increased vascularity, with the skin surface becoming somewhat rough. Texture is the key to diagnosing early lesions. They are better recognized by palpation than by inspection. Extremely slowly, adherent yellow crust forms, the removal of which may cause bleeding. Person lesions vary in size from 3 to 6 mm. The extent of disease varies from a single lesion to involvement of the whole forehead, balding scalp, or temples. Indurations, inflammation, and oozing recommend degeneration into malignancy. Keratin may accumulate and form a cutaneous horn, mostly on the better aspects of the pinna.


An individual who has developed Actinic Keratosis condition will notice a rough and dry skin lesion that begins as a flat and scaly patch. It may come out gray, pink or red or it may be the same color as the skin. This area of skin will have a rough feel to it as well when the fingers are run over the patch.


This skin condition is caused by overexposure to the sun probably years before the discolored patch appears. People with light complexions or outdoor occupations are at higher risk.

Natural Treatment for Actinic Keratosis

There are some ways to treat actinic keratosis. Which is best depends on the size and number of lesions, where they are and your history of skin cancer, as well as aesthetic, time and cost issues. Your doctor may have a preferred method, but it’s good to know your options so you can have a say in the matter.

There’s no single best way to treat actinic keratosis, and sometimes several home remedies and Natural Treatment for Actinic Keratosis are used. You should discuss the pros and cons of each with your doctor.

The juice from milkweed can be utilized for treating different skin lesions, including those of actinic keratosis. It comes out of the stem, so after a little cut is made, a drop can be applied to the affected region two times per day. A typical procedure generally occurs with the first day of redness, followed by swelling, oozing, drying, and scabbing.

Tea Tree Oil

Even though not considered a food, tea tree oil, when mixed with virgin coconut oil, has lead to successful results among people affected by actinic keratosis. The coconut oil acts to dilute the potency of tea tree oil, which tends to dry out the skin. The mixture can be applied to the affected area as needed many times per day and might take some time of regular utilize to see results.

Castor Oil

Castor oil has been used as a possible Actinic Keratosis Herbal Treatment. On the other hand, not every person who tried using this remedy has found achievement in the treatment. Castor oil can be used to provide a soothing effect on the burns and inflammation caused by the lesions. It as well helps in reducing the spots if it is regularly applied.

To boost the health of the immune system, get your every day dose of sea vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Some of the food items that have shown immune-boosting and anticancer properties are:
·         Garlic
·         Onion
·         Green Tea
·         Grapes
·         Tomatoes
·         White Fish
·         Cabbage
·         Hot Pepper
·         Olive Oil
These food items are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are helpful for both the health of the skin and body's immune system, particularly when it comes to the prevention of melanoma.

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